Cleancut TM is the trademark for the Best Personal Shaver designed by Seiko Japan many years ago. Seiko Japan had for a long time (over decades) contracted out the manufacturing process of its shavers to a Japanese private label shaver manufacturer founded in 1939 and manufactured shavers since 1956. In late 2007, Seiko Japan decided to close their shaver division as a part of its corporate restructuring efforts. Seiko Japan then sold its design rights and transferred the trademarked name Cleancut TM to this original contracted-out manufacturer. The Cleancut TM brand products are now simply labeled as Cleancut TM on the barrel and still keep workmanship & technique in highest standard. The CleancutTM products we are selling are the genuine products manufactured by the SAME ORIGINAL manufacturer in Japan. Cleancut TM Personal Shaver is the Original and still the Best Personal Shaver available in the market. The Cleancut TM Shavers designed and engineered to be used for Personal Shaving without nicking or cutting. It can be used for Underarms, Bikini Line and Pubic Trimming for French “Landing Strip” or even Brazillian “Take it all off’ Styles. The ES412 can be used safely for Personal shaving by both men and women, while PS335 & PS334 are sold wonderfully as ladie’s facial shaver. We represent true value for your money and offer secure online shopping. Come to enjoy these Global Hot Sale high end items and DO NOT use any imitate-copied products!
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